Lazy Days (1929) Poster


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'Farina' Takes Center Stage
ccthemovieman-17 April 2010
This early Our Gang talkie, the third one of its kind, features "Farina" and his pals down on the farm. It's a lazy day and Farina is so slow-motion that he even has another kid put a straw in his mouth so he can drink. At first, all the animals are lying around doing nothing, too, but eventually they get up and go for swim, or get something to eat,or play.....but "Farina" (Allen Hoskins) just likes there sounding like a young Stephin Fetchit, too "tired" to do anything.

Anyway, after about eight minutes, we finally see the rest of the gang, and things liven up. The kids discover a poster about a baby contest being held later that day with big prize money for the "biggest baby," "cutest baby," "strongest baby" all the way down to "homeliest baby." Wow, what mother wouldn't be proud of that? The kids decide to wash up the little ones, but they don't want any part of it so Chubby pretends, reluctantly, to be the baby. What happens in the contest, I'll leave up to you to see, but the ending is a surprise one.

Most of the gags in this 21-minute "movie" involve Farina. Some reminded me of sight-gags The Three Stooges used, such as a frog spitting a large spray of something in Curly's face. Here, Farina is the victim.

All in all, as other reviewers said here, this isn't one of the better Our Gang talkies, but it's worth one look.
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They have done better
Doug-16927 December 2008
This was a slow moving short picture. The general theme is lazy days of summer, but the film just plods along. It was only okay. There were some scenes that should have changed that could have helped the film along. The crying baby was annoying and the director should have reassured the baby so that the child wouldn't be crying so much. I'm sure a parent was on the site so the dad or mom was likely there to have assisted. Farina got the most screen time and did okay with what he was given. All the kids just had to do was act out being tired in the hot summer day and it made you tired watching it. The contraption that the Farina family invented for rocking the baby, rocking Farina, fanning Farina and playing music was clever.

One part was fun to see. In the background of the last quarter of the film, the kids are out near a public area and fairly close to a regular gas station and street and you can see the traffic going by. It was nice to see all the old autos and trucks going about their business unawares as this was being filmed on the next block. That road is probably a big 6 lane road now.
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After proving in our reviews of . . .
tadpole-596-91825628 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
. . . SMALL TALK and RAILROADIN' that this series of lessons in juvenile delinquency is set and filmed (actually, if not ostensibly) in the failed nation-state of Canadia, LAZY DAYS focuses on the same gang of pint-sized punks conducting drills in Baby Torture. Though everyone in the Civilized World knows that the National Pastime of Canadiayappers is clubbing Baby Seals to Death, it turns out that what's taken for human offspring there fare no better than horn-honking amphibian pups up in Canadia. Apparently, it's the job of totally off-the-leash unsupervised Canadiayapper Small Fry to bedevil their diapered siblings with stinging insects, popping balloons, and Froggy ice-cold "baths." As if such abuse were not enough, Canadiayapper baby buggies are far less reliable than the battle-tested one featured in Russia's BATTLESHIP POTEMKIN. It's a sad, sad day when anyone is forced to concede that Red Commie KGB controlled Russia is Light Years ahead of anywhere else on the planet in a direct comparison of anything, but why don't you watch LAZY DAYS and BATTLESHIP POTEMKIN for yourself to see whether indolent Canadiayappers or the Demonic Russians turn out the better baby buggy?
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A Real Let Down
Derek0322 August 2003
This film is truly lazy.Very drawn out and lethargic.The story is dull and not funny.Who would have believed the rotund Chubby was actually a baby?Seeing Farina's baby brother cry continually seems cruel.Not to mention Mary Ann and Jean dressing Wheezer up as a baby against his will!Only to have the end never see the baby contest happen.A real let down.
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Farina steals this entry.
mark.waltz13 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The premise of one of the very first Hal Roach comedy short has a group of orphans entering a baby contest with only one real baby (Junior Allen), that being the toddler Farina brings with him. The opening reel relys solely on Farina, desperately trying to stay awake yet too sleepy to do anything on his own. The show they head to was already over (a month ago!), so it's another wasted day for these free spirited orphans who pretty much do as they want. Farina deals with a pesky bee (which he hopes is a bob tail) and then gets spat at by a frog hiding in a milk jug. Then there's the spider monkey he refers to as a chimpanzee. Mary Ann, Chubby, Joe Cobb, Wheezer, Petey and Jean Darling all appear, but the episode is Farina's.
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Layin' Around With The Little Rascals
Ron Oliver16 June 2000
An OUR GANG Comedy Short.

It's LAZY DAYS for Farina, who is so tired laying in the shade that the least amount of effort is a bother to him. Only Fat Joe Cobb's plan to make money by entering the Gang's younger siblings in a baby contest can get Farina on his feet.

An amusing little film, with some good laughs. Chubby makes a unique 'baby', to say the least. Highlight: Farina washing his little brother, with help from a bee, frog & monkey.
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Early talkie from the Our Gang stable
Leofwine_draca23 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
LAZY DAYS is an effective Our Gang comedy short and one of the first to be shot in sound. It has a real summer-time feel to it and features Farina at his droll and wise-cracking best as he slumbers beneath a tree in the shade and can barely be bothered to move. Meanwhile there are some great gags taking place, such as the see-saw contraption in which Pete powers the rocking crib.

The best Our Gang comedies always seem to feature animals and they're in plentiful supply here. Another highlight comes when Farina attempts to bathe the baby but has trouble with a fly and a frog. The climax involves a baby contest and is also very funny. There's very little to dislike about this one.
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One of the worst in the "Our Gang" series
jimtinder10 February 2001
"Lazy Days" is extremely difficult to watch, and I fancy myself an "Our Gang" fan, so that comment is not without consideration. The film is boring, with long stretches of unappealing visual gags and silence. The dialogue the kids say is lethargic and dull. Maybe I'm missing the point of the film, which is that this is a lazy day for the kids, but to me that doesn't equal entertainment.

Besides being boring, there is an air of manipulation that makes the film uncomfortable to watch. Farina's little brother doesn't like being undressed and drenched in a washbucket, and who could blame him? What's entertaining about seeing a little boy really cry his eyes out?

A dog from start to finish. 1 out of 10.
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All the kids and animals are lazy in the sun
robert-temple-128 July 2017
This is the third Little Rascals sound film, and it is wonderfully whimsical and amusing. The cast has expanded for this one, both of children and of animals. The film opens with Farina lying prostrate with heat and laziness in a makeshift rocking chair in a small farmyard. He has acquired a friend, a little black girl from next door, whose name is Trellis, played by the six year-old actress Jannie Hoskins. She started appearing in films as a one year-old infant. She had appeared in 22 Little Rascals silent films before this, under three different names: Mango, Arnica, and Zuccini. (Her real life nickname was Zuchini, known in France and Britain as a courgette.) After this, she would appear in only one more Little Rascals film, six years later, TEACHER'S BEAU (1935), and then she would retire from the screen at the great age of 12. (She lived to be 72.) Here, she is rushing back and forth fetching things for the lazy Farina and tending to him as he keeps asking her to do things for him because he is too lazy to get up. Finally, when she refuses one thing, he drolly states: ' Then I ain't gonna marry you when I get big.' The animal cast includes a goat, a donkey, a cat, Pete the Dog (who rocks a baby in a cradle by running back and forth in an ingenious device), hens and chicks, a rooster prostrated with heat, and even a pet monkey belonging to a neighbour. Oh yes, and I must not forget to mention the most important zoological star of all in this film, a bee, whose main interest in life seems to be threatening to sting the Little Rascals. After the extended scenes between Farina and Trellis, we see Joe reading a circular for a 'grand baby contest', and he decides that he and the rest of the gang will take their baby brothers and sisters to enter the contest for Most Beautiful Baby, Fattest Baby, Biggest Baby, etc., and win lots of money for the prizes. However, there are not enough babies, so they fabricate two of them. Mary dresses up three year-old Wheezer as a baby, and Joe stuffs Chubby into large baby clothes to try for the prize of Fattest Baby. Off they go, pushing all their real and pretend babies in prams. Farina's pram collapses on the way and he goes to lie down in the shade of a large tree. He comforts himself by saying hat he would only have won a quarter (25 cents) anyway, then pulls one out of his pocket, and says: 'I've got a quarter anyway, and I'm too lazy even to spend this one.' Farina's baby brother, Thermos, is played by Junior Allen, who is a genuine infant in a cot. He never appears in any other film, so that this is the only time we see him. In preparing him for the contest, Farina had given him a bath in a zinc tub in the yard, fetching the water from a filthy duck pool. A frog appears in the tub and squirts water in Farina's face several times. As usual, the Little Rascals engage in complete childish anarchy. What fun! Robert F. McGowan directs, as always.
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Actually, this one not only isn't very funny, but it's a bit nasty.
planktonrules6 November 2011
Joe reads an ad for a baby contest and gets the idea of having all the brothers and sisters of the Gang dressed up like babies to win all the prize money--including Joe's brother, Chubby (who looks NOTHING like a baby). In the end, it's all for naught.

One nice thing about the Our Gang comedies is that they were, for the 1920s and 30s, very egalitarian. After all, there were black kids in the gang (such as Farina, Stymie and Buckwheat) and they were treated by the other kids very well--in an era when Black-Americans were, at best, second-class citizens. Yet, sometimes, amidst this anti-racist casting decision by Hal Roach Studios, a bit of the sick prejudices of the age come clearly into focus. In this film, Farina plays a very different sort of character. Here in "Lazy Days" he's incredibly lazy and shiftless--and none of this routine is funny. What's worse is that the end, 'ol Petey the dog rolls a watermelon to Farina--and the credits roll!! Ugghh. Racist AND not particularly funny at the same time. Not surprisingly, when the series was syndicated for television, this was one of the few that was not shown as it was considered too racist for modern sensibilities.
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Lazy Days lives up to its title of this Our Gang short
tavm11 October 2014
This Hal Roach comedy short, Lazy Days, is the ninety-second in the "Our Gang/Little Rascals" series and the fourth talkie. It begins with Farina just laying under the tree with sis Janine doing his every command. Oh, and Pete the Pup also serves a function here: he runs back and forth in some kind of see-saw contraption which not only swings Farina's hammock but also his baby brother's rocking bed! Elsewhere, the rest of the gang discover a baby contest notice and Joe decides to pass Chubby off as the "fattest baby" (Joe should be familiar with that one as he himself was passed off as such in the silent Cradle Robbers). I'll stop there and just say this was one of the most dreary of the early Our Gang talkies-despite some of what I just described-with a slow pace throughout. So on that note, Lazy Days is only worth a look once.
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Michael_Elliott4 November 2008
Lazy Days (1929)

BOMB (out of 4)

The gang is sitting around bored out of their minds until Joe sees that a baby contest is being held. The gang gather up their younger brothers and sisters and enter the contest. This third short from the gang is without a doubt the worst I've seen and I might even take it further by saying this is one of the worst films ever made. I didn't find the previous two shorts funny but this one here is just beyond bad in its attempt for humor. I should restate that because there's really no attempt at humor because it appears the screenwriters found torturing a baby to be funny. There's a sequence where Farina has to give his baby brother a bath and as soon as the baby is put into the tub he starts screaming and crying in terror. Do they cut the scene? No they make it worst by putting water on him and then dragging him around the rest of the film. Screaming and crying is the baby the entire time. Is the torturing of this kid funny in 1929 because it's happening to a black kid? I'm really not sure where to stand on the racial issues of this back in 1929 but the scene is incredibly ugly and brutal and to me ranks as one of the nastiest things I've seen in any movie. Even without this scene the movie wouldn't fair any better as the jokes are lame (Chubby as a baby) and the film drawn out.
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