A Treacherous Shot (1913) Poster

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The comfortable, unpretentious, slave-holding aristocracy of rural Dixie
deickemeyer30 April 2017
A love story of before the war and it seems to us that we have never seen a more apparently truthful picture of that comfortable, unpretentious, slave-holding aristocracy of rural Dixie. One of its scenes that will surely attract attention pictures a chase of two runaway slaves. The heroine (and this incident goes very well in a love story of the time and place) has slipped out of her home to visit the lover whom her father dislikes with reason and, with her darkie mammy, is crossing the fields. The chase is approaching. She has coal black on her face and the lover thinks that she is a mulatto. His treatment of her quite disgusts her with him and opens the way for the man whom her father likes. This incident is handled in a very competent way; it is made clear and most effective. Marian Cooper plays the Southern girl; Guy Coombs the adventurer who wants to get her money and who fires the treacherous shot which nearly kills her true lover, played by Hal Clements. The girl's father is played by Henry Hallem. A very good offering. - The Moving Picture World, January 18, 1913
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