Good truthful ending
26 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The beginning of the show was intriguing when they posed the idea. It seemed forced because what the chief would always say it's dangerous and take no consideration into what everyone else was saying. They introduced the people as dangerous but they never got into really bad fights. The fights are never portrayed because there are no cameras in the room. It got interesting when they introduced new people into the jail and the old head cheated on cards and got his head sacked by a few of them. It's interesting to learn about commissary and hooch and lingo. The people there have interesting motivations, the old heads have more wisdom and the young ones done care at all. At the end when they all came together to encourage the chief to keep the doors open was heart warming and you could see how they really benefited from social interaction and peer support. It's too bad that their distrust and deregulation makes it difficult. The ending and showing the stories of redemption reminds us that these are real people and should be treated as such.
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