Started bad, got worse, then I quit.
25 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I had a rough start with the movie. The dialogue and acting were weak, and the costuming and CGI for the deer were downright ridiculous. The narration at the beginning was absurd, with a voice that didn't fit at all. This was all before the opening credits rolled, and I was amazed at my own persistence in continuing to watch. I've never been tempted to stop watching a movie so quickly-I considered quitting three times before the credits even finished.

The sound effects and soundtrack were a huge miss. The audio created a sense of dread and gloom that didn't match the dialogue or the on-screen content, which felt like a lame attempt at a party vibe. It was as if the music was made for a horror film while the acting was out of sync.

The evil deer character couldn't have been worse. The costume looked like it was made by my six-year-old brother, and the acting was just as bad.

By the time I reached chapter two, I was completely baffled as to why I hadn't stopped watching. It wasn't even "so bad it's good"-it was just bad.

Wasn't able to finish this one. Made it 20 min into the 70 min runtime. Not sure how it ended, but it never started.
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