Malatesta's Carnival of Blood is an underrated horror gem that's a must-see for enthusiasts of the genre
25 May 2024
I recently watched Malatesta's Carnival of Blood (1973) on Tubi. The storyline follows a boy who goes missing at a carnival and his family who visits the carnival looking for him. Unbeknownst to them, the carnival is run by a vampire and his lackey, who has an army of the living dead. Can the family overcome the odds and rescue their son, or will they just be the next victims?

This film is directed by Christopher Speeth in his lone directorial project and stars Hervé Villechaize (Fantasy Island), Lenny Baker (The Paper Chase), Janine Carazo, Jerome Dempsey (Tune in Tomorrow), and Williams Preston (Waterworld).

This movie is amazing. Who wouldn't want to see the actor from Fantasy Island running around shooting a shotgun? The groundskeeper is such a cool character, and the zombies look great. However, it's the setting that steals the show. This couldn't feel more like a 70s county fair where who knows what happens after it closes. This film takes it to the next level with man-eating zombies in the background. There's a fun decapitation scene, despite the use of classic red paint-colored blood. The gore elements are also pretty good. There's a lot to like here.

In conclusion, Malatesta's Carnival of Blood is an underrated horror gem that's a must-see for enthusiasts of the genre. I would score this a 7-7.5/10 and strongly recommend it.
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