Saturday Night Live (1975– )
The talent is just not there.
22 May 2024
I sat and watched SNL for the first time in a long time and after viewing I have to say the talent is just not there. SNL's political leanings are well known but back in the old days when Tina Fey impersonating Sarah Palin she managed to draw everyone in and it definitely made her a name. But now there's no one there who does that. They've run the Trump bit into the ground that the performer just doesn't come across. In fact none of them do. Before you had recurring characters like Wayne Campbell or Land Shark. Now the only thing left is Weekend Update but even that is getting old. Bottom line as I said before the talent is just not there in the writing or the performing. If it was we could be getting movies based on sketches from this era and we're not. There's not even a bad sketch like Stuart Smalley or It's Pat that can be made into a movie. Night At The Roxbury is another example and when your current cast doesn't even have that you know it's bad and not funny.
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