Not The Greatest
22 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this right after seeing another movie with the same-but-different "weird town" premise. That one was god-awful even though it had three pretty big name stars in it, so when Welcome to Redville started out, it seemed to me that it had great promise--the lighting and filming were "on" and seemed to be done by someone who had the skills for the job (a thousand times better than the other movie I'd just seen). The two main characters were young and cute-ish and I was ready for a hip sort of flick. It all went downhill from there.

I think this movie wanted to be a cult classic, but it just wasn't. The storyline and rest of the cast just seemed to be done and done again, and the main guy started to really get on my nerves for some reason and didn't even seem cute anymore. I probably would've given this one star if I hadn't just watched one that was worse.
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