Boardwalk Empire (2010–2014)
I'm glad I waited to watch this superb series
22 May 2024
There are so many series out there, that's it really hard to watch all the ones that are good in a timely fashion. I knew of this series but I was skeptical that Steve Buscemi could carry it. I was mostly wrong. He was great in it but the show excelled at telling stories and showing beautiful images along with them. Throw in the detail given to showing 1920's Atlantic City made me wish I grew up then.

I really loved Michael Shannon's character. He is a superbly underrated actor and he nailed Van Alden.

It's the perfect length too. 56 episodes. The concept of mixing real characters with fictional ones is not done that much and is risky but I think it works real well here. It doesn't change what really happened only adds to it in a believable way.
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