Review of IF

IF (I) (2024)
Tries too hard to force emotions out of you.
20 May 2024

This film about assigning imaginary friends like it's a match making service could've been something decent, but its execution falls flat of being anything but a soon forgotten film that Ryan Reynolds made while waiting for his next Deadpool film to go into production.

This film has an idea of what it wants to portray but fails to build up any connection with any of the characters for the viewers to care any less about.

Everything seems to try to set up some emotionally uplifting pay-off in the end, but the build up is so quick that it is eye-rolling that the film is "This person. Who? Jump over any character development to care about. Something. All smiles and uplifting music" pay-off = Huh?

Whoever this films leading little lady is has a dad about to go under some sort of risky operation and stays with her grandmother. She doesn't have the expected sad, loner, left out, unhappy vibe. She stumbles upon Ryan Reynolds who is some sort of rjngleader of Imaginary Friends. She pushes her way into his life, and then is shown the place these IF things live.

There's no reason to care about how Ryan Reynolds character is supposed to be grumpy now compared to how he once was, and that small plot becomes extremely predictable what the outcome will be, leaving no surprise when it does to anyone over 7 years old.

This girl then just gets told to use her imagination and suddenly becomes God of the IFs world instantaneously, in a very unimpressive sequence of CGI cluster and a pointless musical number. Then back to the real world for some more snorefest interactions of almost seemingless pointless dialogue and it just leads up to a Labrynth knock-off ending.

The film tries to ram feeling good and smiling during uplifting happy music, with no set up as to why you're supposed to feel anything at all? It's like some stupid TikTok brain saw a film that did it, and said "who cares why? Just have the music kick in and make hearts glow and rainbows shine while everyone smiles and make everyone tear jerk at the happiness of it" but, without any setup as to why we're supposed to care as an audience, it's just lazy writing, or some sort of social expirement to see if people are going to feel emotional and tear up just because of the soundtrack and a bunch of characters in slow motion looking up and flashing their pearly whites.

The only thing this film made me feel was rolling my eyes at just how pathetic the build ups are to scenes where you're being forced to think everything's all magic and unicorn poop to fool the adolescent or people with IQs well below average.

Seriously, I'm expecting Dead Pool 3 to have some line about how IF was a late April Fools joke or made just to see if audiences even pay attention to what they're watching anymore and if competent writings even required anymore?

If you like CGI overkill characters, predictable outcomes, sloppy writing, forced emotional scenes only a child or moron would tear up for, and characters you won't invest a cent in, then this is the perfect movie for you. Otherwise, don't bother.
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