The Worst Double Bill Imaginable
20 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Part of a Ryan Andrew Balas double bill on Tubi with "Elenore Makes Love" that my girlfriend wanted to watch (she's a former drama student - what can I say?).

The first movie was "Louise And Her Lover".


The Plot (1/3)
  • there is not much plot to this movie. A woman is suspected of killing her lover(s) and is interrogated by a man who's face we don't really see. In between questions, we see a lot of scantily clad / naked women in the dark performing simulated sex scenes. As I said, there's not a lot here.

The Acting (1/3)
  • the acting really gets no rating. The interrogation scenes are limped through with little emotion, and the simulated sex scenes are devoid of anything one would call acting (I dare say you could get a bunch of young women from the local bar who might do better). These are people who don't know what chemistry feels like.

Overall (1/4)
  • no real plot, and no real acting means you've wasted 72 minutes on a supposed art movie that barely qualifies as art (or a movie). Also what was up with the 'earthquake' noises?
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