So many comedians...
19 May 2024
.. so little humor.....

The things is.. each episode is roughly 1hr long... in that hour there's a lot of exceptionally strained attempts to be funny... unfortunately, there's MAYBE 5 minutes of actual humor in each episode. Usually any humor comes in the form of some passing comment from someone on the couch, not from Mulhaney at all. Overall, Richard Kind is CLEARLY better at comedy.

I didn't find ANY of the packaged comedy bits funny in any way. Nor was Mulhaney really funny himself.

The reality is any humor comes from the unplanned, unexpected, gaffs in every episode. Or perhaps that hairpiece on the hypnotist.

I mean an entire episode with everyone wearing sunglasses?? That seemed like a good idea???

I really wonder.. do people in LA really think anyone else in the rest of the country honestly care about LA?? It's just so solipsistic and narrow in focus. It's not about comedians or "everyone" - meaning a lot of comedians - "being in LA" it's just about LA.

It's REALLY not worth an hour of your time, let alone 6. Pass on this.
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