Review of Pearl

Pearl (2022)
Life rarely turns out of how you expect...!!!
19 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is a character study that really takes its time developing Pearl, and watching her sanity unravel. Mia Goth gives an Oscar worthy performance here and really helps this movie be something so special...

Rest of the characters who does movie in & out contribute to her unraveling in different ways, though not necessarily through any fault of their own especially Tandi Wright's portrayal of Pearl's mother, a woman who is very oldschool in needing Pearl to appreciate what she has, and not to dream beyond being a hardworker on the farm and taking care of her family. She plays the main antagonist here, and there are some truly great scenes with the two in the power struggle...

Mia Goths performance where we the audience are like How on earth did she deliver that unnerving too good for comfort insanely method performance? Seriously Mia Goths performance has to be seen to be believed! And if like me you relish in top notch astonishing method performances on the big screen where the actor/actress removes their celebrity mask and totally embodies the character, do not miss Mia Goths performance as Pearl in the cinema...

It's a beautiful heart-breaking story with a sprinkle of gothic elements. Every chapter has an epigraph, and it is invariably a cute rhyme... The author has brilliantly portrayed the mental trauma Pearl goes through, throughout her life...

One fantastic scene was a 10 minute long monologue with Mia going through all the emotions one person can possibly have and she does it with absolute perfection. And the following scene is why this movie is like no other movie that blows you away from the cliff if she doesn't get the deserved recognition...

Nothing else to reveal as you have a lot of thrilling intense moments to cherish... Overall "Pearl" - a truly unique, captivating, and impeccable piece of work...
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