Impressive monster movie
18 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
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Kong: Skull Island is a monster movie centered around a mysterious island housing a monstrous sized ape. The movie opens with a dogfight during the second World War as the pair discover the mysterious Skull Island. Eventually at the end of the Vietnam War, an expedition is dispatched to find Kong and Skull Island.

Kong: Skull Island is a spectacle movie. The movie focuses on human characters however it is the spectacle of seeing Kong and the monsters of Skull Island that the movie excels at. The movie's fast pacing is a testament to the rush towards spectacle and characters are present to offer background to the monsters. This approach to moviemaking has its merits but the audience should know the movie is about the monsters and not the human characters.

The human characters are the weakest part of the movie. Colonel Packard is the military character played by Samuel L. Jackson. He has the most character and it can be emphasized as obsessed with killing Kong. He does not grow much as a character and although he is fun to watch, he is a paper thin character. The civilians fare slightly better with the group encountering the Iwi natives and Marlow, a downed World War Two pilot. The characters appear to grow but do not complete a story arc. The character of San seemed to play a large role however by the end of the movie she did not have any important role. The movie feels like a large amount of bloat was added.

The action in Kong: Skull Island is entertaining and impressive to watch. The start of the movie began roughly with terrible computer generated imagery. However the helicopter scene when Kong encounters the fleet of Hueys is so fun to watch. This gets better as the movie has the characters encountering monsters of Skull Island. These monsters are intimidating and frightful. These are easily the best parts of Kong: Skull Island.

I would recommend "Kong: Skull Island".

Grade: B.
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