Very good except for one poorly handled fight scene.
17 May 2024
Ted (Richard Attenborough) and Joy grew up with Dave and have remained friends with him....not close friends, but friends. Dave invites them to come to his club and later asks Ted to work with him. Ted assumes Dave is involved in some shady work and politely declines. A short time after this, one of Ted's 'associates' leaves him for dead in the back of Dave's taxi! Now the police do not suspect Ted...but the mobsters who killed Dave think perhaps Dave might have said SOMETHING to Ted before he died. So, they are now looking for Ted...and Ted is trying to find them because the police can't always be there.

This is a GENERALLY good movie, though one part irritated me because it didn't seem realistic and defied common sense. In this scene, two goons are going to kill Ted...and at gunpoint they tell Ted this. Ted is a scrappy guy and manages to beat up BOTH the thugs. BUT, and this annoyed me, he didn't pick up the gun, he didn't tie up the thugs (or shoot their kneecaps to keep them from running away) and proceeds to the police station. Why not call the police and have them meet him at this hideout? Why not give the police the attempted murderers?! If someone was going to murder me and I was able to subdue them, I certainly wouldn't leave to go look for the coppers! It's sad, as otherwise this is a nice little drama. Tense and very interesting to see a nice 'every man' pulled into this messy business. But I must deduct at least a point because of this one sloppily handled scene.
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