Law & Order: Inconvenient Truth (2024)
Season 23, Episode 10
15 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
23 years of watching L&O. I have never written an IMDB review before. I'm shaking my head in disbelief. A pretty good episode that ended so abruptly I had to check to see if this is a 2-parter. Nope. It's almost like the writers had no idea how to end... so they just did! No explanation whatsoever, just closing credits. He didn't do it, the wife did. She didn't come across as a track star, the stoned waiter couldn't catch up and ID her, but he saw the car??? I know I won't sleep tonight trying to make sense of this one. IMDB has informed me I need 46 more characters to meet the minimum limit of.
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