Pure Italo-zombie; pure joy for freakshow lovers
14 May 2024
I would say that this is now my favorite "straightforward Italo-zombie film", though I'm not sure what that means. I don't think there's such thing as a "straightforward" Italo-zombie film, to be honest. In fact, that's what makes Italo-zombie films so special. Generally, they all feature some of my favorite music ever made, bringing the atmosphere to a level 100 by default. This element, crossed with the relentless violence, and the natural spookiness of the Italian environment in the 70's and early 80's, completely make up for the fact that most of these movies have almost zero plot, or at least no plot that makes a lick of sense.

Burial Ground is literally nonstop zombie assaults for nearly the entire film, and it's perfect that way. The zombies look kind of "cheap" but have a unique and strange enough aesthetic that it remains legitimately creepy all the way through, and gives this movie it's own character amongst the hundreds of existing zombie films. There are handfuls of "oh my god, is the zombie really going to do that to him??!!?" moments, and that's kind of a horror signature, so...what else can you ask for?

Of course, the most iconic thing about this entire film is the absolutely unhinged relationship between a mother and her "abnormal" son. I won't say more but it is the main part of this movie that you will never be able to erase from your mind after watching this. There's a specific scene involving them towards the end that really had my jaw dropped. I don't think this would have gone down in an American film! It's too twisted for U. S. horror cinema in 81!

This is a MUST-SEE for all zombie movie fans, plain and simple.
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