Review of Climax

My Hero Academia: Climax (2017)
Season 2, Episode 17
14 May 2024
I'm not much of an anime guy but I love this show! It's completely different from every other anime. However, I didn't exactly feel this way during this episode. One thing MHA does well is having that one amazing episode every season. I believe this was supposed ti be that episode since it's literally titled "Climax." But I did not get the same sense of enjoyment that I did from episodes like "One for all" or "Todoroki: Origin". What really ruined it for me was the cringe dialogue. Every word they said made it seem like they put a 5 year old in charge of writing the episode. I couldn't help but cringe when they said things like "if I just use my arm." I mean who would actually say that, ever. Whatever, I still love the show in general this episode just kinda let me down.
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