The Bionic Woman: Which One Is Jaime? (1978)
Season 3, Episode 18
The Fun outweighs the camp
13 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I've always loved this one, primarily for the life of the single young woman who is often undercover. That is in reality, the Control has got to appreciate that those undercover have to do things like shop as well and this episode hits it right on the nose, both with the good guys and the bad ones. Further, the bad guys have done their homework a little bit to recognize a woman with a very big dog, so don't attack anywhere where she knows the ground.

Callahan, good or bad, was always something of the comedy relief, so she can be a little wearing on the nerves here. Fortunately, she does not occupy too much of the screen.

Finally, one must keep in mind....that it is a spy show, so any errors that might be seen may not be errors after all. What comes out of a spy's mouth might not be the truth but meant, trained or intentional, to mislead. A spy who says "tapes" when there was only one might have meant to lay down a false path. Hence, when taken in that light, continuity errors or bad acting may not be that at all.

The episode is not perfect.....but it is fun.
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