is Magic gone
10 May 2024
I understand why people like this movie I do , sadly I find half of it boring.

When emotions hit, they hit hard and I think it's absolute worth watching to see if you are one of those Who's Gonna Love It

But for me the biggest problem was the lack of dialogue I begin to slowly fall into a trends because of the no to little dialogue.

What is absolute amazing is the animation the little detail in the hand movements all the small flowers just I think it looks like a Disney movie from the 60s when it had the more jacket style and I love it.

In the backgrounds look detail and gorgeous. Just all of the artist was in love had been put into this movie.

The slow paced very melancholy story, showing a girl magic even if it does not exist. It's a very nice movie and has some beautiful sad moments.

And the ending is just spectacular. I did not expect it and I love it.

Is Magic gone.
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