As usual, the most average movies are able to get the most information out of you after watching
7 May 2024
I agree, the description is not very good. The trailers are most likely the same. I don't know, I haven't looked. From the promotional materials, I was familiar with the poster, which is also... And the legendary kalab in Delicious and .

There was an old TV series called Guest from the Future. Pensioners like it, but in fact the product is uninteresting both in childhood and now.

I just saw the opinions, they say the new film adaptation should have been kind of like that back then!!! And as a result, at the beginning of the film they write that the film is only based on some kind of story and is not obliged to follow the original in terms of plot. Probably shouldn't. I haven't read children's fiction.

What about the new film as a result?!

I rarely come across good films made here. To be fair, I rarely watch them. Well, there's a problem with positioning and promotion in general. It doesn't matter how cool your product is. If no one knows about him, then what?! Nothing.

Well, that's it.

Was the movie interesting? Handsome? Yes and yes. It is impossible to describe it even shorter. For such a genre, these are probably the main characteristics. 2 hours and 20 minutes fly by quickly and it's interesting to watch!

No, just imagine. The film cost 1 billion rubles. It seems like a lot, right? And if you convert it into dollars? Well, let's have a ten point margin of error. We keep in mind that it was taken down no one knows when.

Perhaps reviewing or watching for the first time at home, someone will notice that the graphics in places were not straight WOW!!! Well I do not know. It was not noticeable in the cinema. You can see where they got their inspiration from, but the very fact of being able to recreate this and that is amazing.

The plot is certainly weak. If the technical component is pumped from year to year, then the filling ... Is it that important? Well, specifically here we have a teen movie about a beautiful picture and jokes with a wonderful cast, consisting of both well-established people, both talented people and young actors who are still not playing out in places, but we must give chances to young talents...

The bad plot is shorter, we're moving on.

Well, he said about the actors. He said, but not all of them.

Yura Borisov, unfortunately... I'm not happy. The stone plays with 15 minutes of screen time. Sorry...

But Alexander Petrov plays like... He plays some kind of Pokemon, which is sometimes evil, sometimes kind. He plays well. This role suits him, because before that Sasha Petrov played Sasha Petrov in different costumes, But now he is a Cosmo pirate.

How to sum it all up like this?

A cool movie that didn't pay off and became unprofitable.

Here you are, the one who is reading this, go to the cinema. Take the Pushkin map and go. And call your mom and call your mom if you're alive. I was there at the session, Grandma was alone. So you call your grandmother so that she doesn't sit alone.
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