Move on
6 May 2024
After 4 years of divorce is its ridiculous to still be hashing out Martel and Mel. We let them sell us a lie of a marriage because it was already falling apart before the show. Mel was a willing participant allowing Arrione inside her marriage. Watching Mel be dark messy and petty is not OK. Why can't we focus on the businesses again? How is it OK to have fletcher and his sidechick now wife in the fore front but we have to watch the bitterness of Melheauxdee play out in our face. Stop even reflecting on the failed marriage. This show is embarrassing it started or so hopeful now it's stuck on Mel and that's why it is failing! Cancel it or take that lying Mel off. Can we get Dan on the show for paternity test of Mel youngest daughter instead of the fake drug test. It's clear she was cheating too baby looks just like Dan. I know the law says it's still Martel because they were married but cut it out we can see that was truth not a rumor. Last how do you forget giving a man oral YOU DON'T and that lie just get to stand. CK revamp the show or let it go.
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