Ghosts: Pineapple Day (2023)
Season 5, Episode 3
Big story for Kitty, at last.
5 May 2024
The Ghost are keen to discover exactly what happened on Pineapple Day, the day that Kitty sadly died. Alison and Mike plan for their new arrival, and need a nursery, the stumbling block, Fanny.

Easily the best episode so far from this final series, quite wonderful, and a reminder of what has made Ghosts such a terrific series.

I loved Kitty's story, and it was great seeing the rest of the gang playing Detectives, and size really putting the pieces tighter, and learning what happened on that day. Great to have a big Kitty story, long overdue.

I think I'm starting to mix up The British and US series, as I thought there had already been a 'trapped in the safe room episode.'

I really loved that scene between Mike and Barclay, it just goes to show what an act of kindness can do, even to the hardest of hearts.

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