Unfrosted (2024)
Unfrosted needs some frosting.
4 May 2024
Maybe I built up "Unfrosted" too much, in my mind. When I heard about this movie, I got excited. And when I saw the cast, I nearly hyperventilated. But, when I finally watched it, I fell asleep.

This movie had so much potential and it had some really funny moments. But it lacked so many elements that make a great comedy movie. It needed frosting.

The look and feel of the movie was retro and bright and cool. It had a "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel" vibe with a quick and witty script, snappy interactions, and a very intentional pacing. What it was missing is heart and moments that make you care about the characters. It was as if they made a script out of one of Seinfeld's bits (which they sort of did). It was like one long joke that never paused to let jokes land or slowed to build a connection with the audience. It was as if it was written by a first time director and screen writer (which is also true). This movie needs to go back to the creators and be re-written.

There are comedy and acting icons in this movie. I wish someone had stopped to ask them for their input on the scenes they were in. Or, watch season one and two of "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel" and follow that blueprint.

"Unfrosted" felt rushed, like they had to get the plot and all of the jokes in by a certain time, but character development, chemistry, and connection with the audience wasn't a concern. There is beauty in silence and pauses between delivered lines. The audience needs time to marinate about what they have watched, from time to time.

I was also disappointed that none of the cast from "Seinfeld" had cameos. This is a movie where Jason Alexander would have shined and Julia Louis-Dreyfus makes everything better simply with her presence.

"Unfrosted" was underwhelming. Tons of potential with moments of laughter and times where it hits the target. It should be re-made, but this time add some frosting.
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