Baby Reindeer (2024)
The Story Behind the Joker
4 May 2024
Based on true events, the new mini-series on Netflix depicts the story of a female stalker and her victim where the lines between victim and offender become quite blurry.

Since the victim is a part-time comedian the series also shines a light on the Sad Clown Paradox phenomenon, where people use comedy to cope with their trauma to mask their inner rage, and to gain social acceptance.

It is sort of a bio docu-drama behind the fictional Joker character played by Joaquin Phoenix in the 2019 movie which won 2 Oscars. Admittingly not an easy subject to watch, on the contrary, it is at times very disturbing.

But, if you are into the genre, it is a quick binge of 7 short 30-minute episodes. It is well-written, acted, and well-produced for a TV series!

It has an 8/10 star rating on IMDb! Watch it at your discretion in case you liked the Joker movie and you are intrigued by their story. Indeed the show will leave quite an after taste regarding unhealthy relationships, the delicate nature of human psyche, and the toxic aspects of human nature.
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