More like Tales of Morgan Elsbeth
4 May 2024
I was hoping to see some in depth episodes focused on the Empire and their military leaders battle against rebel planets and factions. Instead the first three episodes are simply about Morgan Elsbeth in a story we all already knew about what happened. I mean from episode one we knew what was going to happen and how it was going to get there. I was ok with that....until it went 3 episodes long! It should have been one episode and I think most of us would have been ok with that. What we got was kind of boring, a story we all alreadu knew about and had seen for the most part in the Star Wars Rebels TV show....at least I think it was called Revels.

The rest of the episodes focusing on anything but Morgan are good. Vader was obviously dropped into one episode for literally 10 seconds just so they could put him in the trailer for the show to build hype. It almost felt like they made the show, realized it was boring and then added Vadder in to try and spruce it up a bit.

Well the Bariss Ofee portion of the show was the best part really with again, a predictable outcome but at least it had interesteing characters and we had no idea what was going to happen next. 4/10.
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