Birds of Prey (2020)
Was vulgarity really necessary?
4 May 2024
I enjoyed the color, confusion, and chaotic pace. It was interesting -not unlike a DC comic- lacking long story arcs and character development.

However, the continual use of vulgar language became boring. It was like watching prepubescent children daring to talk dirty when parents weren't around to scold them.

Frankly, it's poor writing.

This audience didn't appreciate it. And it certainly didn't WOW audiences in North Am. And I bet if it was well written without using vulgarity, it would have made far more money.

Of course, the jump cuts, shaky cam, and overall unintelligible dialog didn't help. Had to turn on subtitles to catch much of it. Sure I could be going deaf, but I have no trouble with dialog in "old timer" movies, action or otherwise.

Sadly, "modern" mass media has embraced crapola in the vain attempt to squeeze out every bit of moolah. Does anyone try to make a product that would be remembered as quality from 500 years hence? Definitely not going to be the "Shakespeare" of this generation.
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