Challengers (2024)
Better than advertised
4 May 2024
Based on word of mouth alone, I basically expected this movie to be a sweaty sexy love triangle. Granted, three people kissing while playing tennis didn't seem like enoughy to fill 130 minutes, but that is what I expected anyway. And as a result my expectations were low.

Well, I got more than I bargained for. First off, the movie just flew by for me - I couldn't take my eyes off all three of the stars, and both the synth soundtrack and kinetic camera work pulled me in immediately and never let me go. Second, instead of the usual underdog story, the sports setting offered the backdrop for an interesting reflection on what success looks like, how we each make sense of it, and whether we really want it as bad as we think. So yes, there was sweat, sex, and tennis (and a heavy dose of campiness that seemed quite intentional). But there was more than that too. While the movie followed a familiar formula, it also subverted it enough to keep me interested and entertained throughout.
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