More Of A Supernatural Thriller Than A Horror
3 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
While The 13th Floor has its moments, it is more of a thriller than an outright horror movie.

This is considered an Ozploitation movie, but definitely one of the better ones.

This is certainly a product of the 80s with the fashion and hair, it's also a walk down memory lane seeing people lighting cigarettes in office buildings, not to mention the old style computers. Ah, memories.

The acting is okay, although a little uneven at times. The budget was not huge, most Aussie horror and thrillers didn't have huge budgets especially back then. It doesn't hurt the movie though.

The movie centres on a young girl who witnessed her father murder a young boy. Years later, she is squatting with a friend in a building on the 13th floor. There the ghost of the young boy resides in the electrical system.

This is not a movie for everyone. Fans of harder and gorier horror might get impatient with the slow pace and lack of any real blood or scares.

Personally I liked it. It told a pretty interesting story and did have some solid action scenes.

Plus living in the same city it was filmed in, it was fun to see how it looked so many years ago.
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