Women Talking (2022)
An Impressive Feminist Polemic
3 May 2024
A bleak social exploration of feminism and the different ways to battle the patriarchy and all the ills it leads to. The movie is quite propagandist in it's agenda, it doesn't shy away from being direct about its message. This is definitely on the positive side of propaganda though because it has positive values and a message that we do want to be spread as far and as wide as possible. The lack of subtlety, however, makes for a difficult watching experience. But maybe we do need to avoid circling around and hiding from such problems and thus the direct rhetorical approach can be appreciated in this context. Definitely a strong movie, that can be used to argue against any oppressive hierarchy and the arguments within it are usually the ones posited for any revolutionary change and not just the liberation of women.

The movie enters a tradition of movies like Twelve Angry Men, My Dinner with Andre, The Big Kahuna, etc. That are movies with limited setting, action or narrative. The movie is all about the dialogue, the conversation, and how the characters engage with the central questions that the movie presents. This means of course, that acting is of the utmost importance in a movie like this one and I definitely did feel that most of the actors were convincing in their roles.

The cinematography, from lighting to framing all help add to the bleakness of the movie. This sets a serious tone and doesn't allow romanticization of the "simple" life of the village. Furthermore, the way the assault on the woman was portrayed and captured, not displaying the actual rape scenes, only the aftermath, makes it so that sexualization is avoided. The focus is on the women as women, speaking their voices, and not as sex objects.

I highly recommend watching this one.
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