I.S.S. (2023)
🤷 I mean, what were you guys expecting? 🤷
3 May 2024
Just got Out of a an I. S. S. Screening.

I've been hearing all this noise of just how bad this film was, so I finally hit the cinema to check it out.

What were the vast majority of people expecting? A major life changing event in cinema? Or some mind blowing plot, so good that it was an epiphany within cinema? 🤦

No. What the film was actually doing, was doing it very effectively.

Elements of the Film -

  • 🎥 The Build of the Film is Built and Paced Perfectly.

  • 🚀Some of the Shots of the Outside of the Space Station were visually great to see.

  • 🎵 The Score and Sound Design of the Film is a Major component of this film. It builds the suspense needed.

  • 👍 Couple the score with this premise of a friendly situation gone sour and eventually hostile and it produces an effective film that doesn't unnecessarily over complicate things.

Overall, it's another perfectly fine film.
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