Home Sweet Home (I) (2020)
Movie shows how close minded and hypocritical Christians can be
1 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is terrible. First off Natasha Bure acting is God awful horrible by far one of the worst actresses I've ever seen. The way they portray Christians in this is very sad. They make the lead actor of Christian and his ex-fiancé says you know I can support you in this and I can. I will go to church with you and be there for you and he says well that's not good enough, my faith is my most important thing in my life and meanwhile he was gonna be going out on a date with Natasha's character who is a shallow faking being Christian. Cause she wanted a guy to like her now if that's not terrible I don't know what it is my opinion. That's like unforgivable, but he would rather choose her than his ex fiancé who says I will support you in this I might think differently than you. What is wrong with dating someone who thinks about it differently than you there should be nothing wrong with that.
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