Goliath: The Pain Killer (2021)
Season 4, Episode 2
Based on what I can actually see...
29 April 2024
I didn't write a review for ep.1 because I didn't want to give this series a one star rating, even for a single episode. Two thing are ruining this series for me: the ridiculous surrealism and the unlit scenes. Even the daylight scenes are poorly it. The surrealism started in the 3rd season, and made the season almost unwatchable for me. I've concluded that some self-impressed director (or team of that sort) has taken the reins and has made the series all about stroking a few egos behind the scenes.

At any rate, this just isn't "Goliath" anymore, it's "Look everybody at how cutting edge we can be". This series sucks now. I'm going to try to watch the 3rd episode.
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