28 April 2024
Hard to believe prolific sci fi director Jack Arnold also directed sitcoms, but he did and was one of the best. This is a classic example as the castaways meet a clever gorilla! You knew a story like this had to be coming.

A gorilla (played by master stuntman Janos Prohaska) sneaks into the huts one night and happens to steal Mrs. Howell's diamonds. Next, he kidnaps Mrs. Howell, holding her in his cave. The biggest question of all... how many hidden caves did the island have during the series run?

Best dialogue award goes to the scene where Gilligan believes he can figure it all out by THINKING like a gorilla. To which the Skipper agrees, adding Gilligan does think like one! Goofy dialogue and one liners by series writer Elroy Schwartz.

The professor naturally has the answer to it all; it's NOT the diamond, nor Mrs. Howell -- but her perfume? Yes, I agree with the last reviewer, if that was the case, Mrs. Howell should have been kidnapped right off the bat! You can tell the cast is having lots of fun, especially Bob Denver versus the gorilla.

Applause for Janos Prohaska, originally a stuntman who found gainful employment in many sitcoms, generally playing gorillas and other wild and kooky animals. He also made many apearances, without too much surprise, on BEWITCHED.

SEASON 1 EPISODE 22 remastered color dvd box set. 6 dvds. Released 2004.
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