Review of Casanova

Peabody's Improbable History: Casanova (1961)
Season 3, Episode 6
Casanova is the most famous librarian in the . . .
28 April 2024
. . . History of Italy. Mr. Peabody hardly does justice to the Book Master from Venice during Giacomo's namesake Improbable History segment. A prolific date-stamper, Casanova is reputed to have checked out more deep tomes than anyone else in recorded library lore. Nowadays, when people think of Librarians, it's usually that tawdry tart in River City, Iowa. Marion the Librarian is infamous for being "the sadder but wiser girl," with at least one ill-gotten whelp to show for her libertine lifestyle. Unlike Casanova, Marion's book recommendations are hardly on the up-and-up. For instance, Marion scandalously pushes Balzac upon the unsuspecting residents of River City. Casanova, of course, wouldn't be caught dead with a volume of Balzac.
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