Dull, egocentric and sad
28 April 2024
I'm a huge Bon Jovi fan, have been listening to them since my teens, almost had a cover band, and was highly excited to watch this. Oh, well...Such a bummer, feel like the band (and honestly, Sambora) deserved something better. Had to force myself to watch it, waiting for it to improve. And what did I get after all that time? A bit more of respect for JBJ work ethic and a lot more dislike for his narcissistic personality. It felt like watching an artist fade and a CEO rise... anything but a phenomenal band documentary / legacy. The footage is also very disappointing, decades of materials and the director seems to prioritize all the self indulgent blablabla from JBJ. Sorry for the sad review, it's just a disappointment from a fan that could not wait to watch it. Hope there's another one in the future that does justice to the band, really don't understand all the ratings of nines and tens here.
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