Girls Bravo (2004–2005)
Just another cheesy anime
28 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Hello Fellow Humans,

So this anime is just another cheesy anime where some how the weak pathetic loser male gets a ton of women and yet he is so afraid of them he breaks out into hives. I have watched a ton of anime and honestly their is a pattern and patterns sometimes show truth. So are men in Japan just afraid of women and that's why their population is declining? Because as a male from California if I randomly went to a planet that had a 1 to 10 ration if men to women. That would be literally heaven. Think about it you would never work because you would have to have to mate day and night 24/7 pretty much. I mean think about it they said only 10% of the population is male. Meaning you have to have at least 10 wives for every male. You just couldn't have it any other way. One can only dream of this type of heaven. Maybe for once there will be an anime with a real man who stubbles into this situation. I would watch that. Because I am so tired of watching these weak pathetic excuses of men that get all these women. Maybe it is because the ones drawing these animes are these men. Seriously though try drawing an anime were the male acts like a normal male would in that situation. Extremely excited and happy to have been transported to this amazing world filled with women wanting him. But it is funny and worth watching. Just annoying because the main character like always is just so annoying and pathetic. But that's anime for the most part.

So my biggest issue with this show is how much these girls abuse this poor guy. Seriously I know it's a cartoon but their must be some truth to anime. If anime has just a hint of truth then Japan has a lot of hidden issues. Like women who hit first and ask questions later. Or men can't talk to girls. Or just bullying in general as a lot of school animes have extreme bullying. If anime has just a hint of truth then Japan has a to of abuse in its culture. Sorry but that next door neighbor would piss me off and I probably after the second or third time hit her back. It isn't even like live taps she is straight up knocking him out. Most of the time he is just ha I g something done to him and she still hits him. If you are a girl then maybe ask before you jump to conclusions. You know that saying use your words before your fists. I get what the anime is doing and a few times is funny but it was just ridiculous. I think she would knock him out like 3+ an episode. Then other girls would as well. I mean heck the poor guy was shot at a ton as well. It is absolutely insane. This guy needs to stand up and put these girls in their place. Especially that neighbor girl. Or at the very least stop being friends with her. Oh and that one girl who just randomly showed up in his bath. She technically was trespassing yet she decided to break a ton of dishes and other items tossing them at him and then runs away and gets into more trouble. Listen first don't be one of those girls who throws things that's just annoying. Second if you are lost don't automatically start running away especially when people are trying to help you. That has to be one of the dumbest things a person can do. Oh I have no idea who I am. Maybe I should randomly run around away from the nice people in the rain. I have no clue were I am or were I am going but whatever I am going to run around. Honestly I would have just let her run away and not deal with her. Especially after she broke everything in my dinning room. Well if she was an adult. A kid I would help. But the problem is the writer made the girls way to emotional. Clearly the writer is a single male who maybe had sisters growing up.
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