Knuckles (2024)
Whoever Green Lit This Garbage Should Be Permanently Banned from the Film Industry
27 April 2024
Let me just say it how it is: the Knuckles series is even worse than Sonic '06, and that is ironic since one of the episodes (which for some insane reason is a musical!) is called the flames of disaster, and that is the most fitting description of this whole bizarre escapade. Not convinced? Let me put it to you this way: if you ever had a fever dream of a story as cringeworthy as the first Sonic movie's infamous ugly Sonic CGI model, ladies and gentlemen, this is exhibit A. In particular, the middle two third and fourth episodes are the worst episodes I have ever seen in television history, and the outer episodes feature uninspired forgettable knockoff characters of the main cast and villains with zero development or speakable impact to this new Sonic movie universe.

For diehard fans wondering if they should risk their brain cells to uncover some cool Easter egg or game-changing reveal, sorry chief but nothing here but empty item monitors. I have taken one for the team and I commend to you this advice to look elsewhere, anywhere, to scratch your entertainment itch, but not here. That assessment takes some doing too as I have watched literally 10,000s of television episodes spanning the 1950s through today and I can only speak of a handful of series that are this pitiful and I honestly can't think of one right now after recovering from this poorly contrived mess because it is that bad.

Take everything that you love and enjoy about Sonic the Hedgehog and everything that makes a thrilling and compelling story period, and now throw that all away in favor of this amateur movie night attempt meets the worst kind of fan fiction this side of Green Hill, and that is the Knuckles series in a nutshell. Sad, right? I have honestly seen far superior work come out of film festivals and university film projects than this mind bleach. In an ideal world, what should have happened was this miniseries would have provided some relevant backstory and expansive world-building to set the stage, boost the hype, and raise the stakes for the third Sonic movie.

In reality, we got a poor excuse of a television series, let alone treatment on the Sonic the Hedgehog universe, that will make you feel like you wasted a couple hours of your life. Do yourself a favor and watch any other media in the Sonic franchise because once you go this low, anything will rise above the ashes of this dumpster fire.
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