Is That Gribbon Singing?
26 April 2024
Harry Gribbon is sent off to fight World War One with a horse descended from Paul Revere's mount and an instrumental trio to accompany his singing in this burlesque of.... wait, was there a genre of musical frontline service comedies?

Jokes of all stripes fly fast an furious, some of them funny, some of them just poor; if you didn't laugh at this one, wait a second, and another will come along. There's Lew Kelly as a general who's sad because there's no room for advancement. There's Yola D'Avril as a spy whom Gribbon must vamp and vice versa. Although the time for comedies like this may have passed, at the time serious war dramas and service comedies made a good target, and this lets so many shots fly, at least some of them hit.
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