An Hour Behind (2017 TV Movie)
A Good, Fun Rom-Com with Excellent Actors
26 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
An Hour Behind (2017) Prime Video/Freevee

This rom-com stars Emily Rose as Trish, owner of a cupcake shop, and Barry Watson as Parker, a paramedic. They meet due to a time change accident on Trish's part. She is expecting to meet a lawyer that her sister and brother-in-law know named Adam, played by Casey Elliot, for a breakfast blind date the next morning. When Trish is so late that Adam gives up and bails, Parker comes in shortly thereafter and sits down at the same table. It turns out Adam and Parker were both wearing green shirts, the identifier Trish had been looking for. So when she arrives 45-50 minutes late, she sits down, assuming Parker is actually Adam, and they began chatting. Parker would have told Trish he was not this Adam she kept referring to him as, but then Trish ordered an unusual breakfast, one that he had only ever heard his late wife order. Intrigued, Parker stays, says nothing, and a date is born. A date, I must add, that lasted all day and was thoroughly enjoyed by both parties.

Sure, the premise is questionable, but remember that we're watching a rom-com. I really don't understand the many reviewers who trash rom-coms because they fail to pass the "this would never happen in real life" test. I just want to sit all these folks down, smile, and gently remind them that rom-coms ARE NOT real life. We must park our disbelief at the door and watch this sort of movie for FUN. If people cannot do that, they should seek out a different genre of movie, because realism is simply not what rom-coms are about. Moving on...

Emily Rose is, despite what you may have read in other reviews, a fine actress. (I happen to find her beautiful as well, but that's neither here nor there, is it?) She is also seven years younger than her co-star, Barry Watson, but Watson doesn't look his age and never really has, so these two are a good match--and have good chemistry in this movie.

The reason behind Trish and Parker's blind date was, as I mentioned before, because Trish's sister Chloe, played by Ali Durham, is the inveterate matchmaker in this movie. She is absolutely overbearing, as most rom-com matchmakers tend to be. When she finds out Trish met the wrong guy, she insists she meet the real Adam. Trish does so, only to find that the real Adam (played by Casey Elliot) is the most self-absorbed twit you can imagine. (I actually found myself hoping this role didn't sabotage Elliot's career, as he seems to have played mostly good guys in other rom-coms, but he played a serious jerk here).

There are a some other main characters--Parker's co-workers Tom (Scott Christopher) and Milo (K. Danor Gerald), plus Trish's employees Piper (Aubrey Reynolds) and Katie (Shona Kay). Those make up the mainstay, and all did a fine job. I'm sure rom-com regulars will recognize at least some of these folks.

So, yes, of course, Trish found out early that Parker wasn't Adam, and that caused a riff because "he lied to her." And not the first riff they'd have, either. It seems much of this movie would consist of Trish and Parker at odds with each other, or Trish trying to indulge her sister by dating "Self-Absorbed Man." Still, there are lots of other things happening, keeping us interested and wanting to find out what comes next. We know Trish and Parker are not through, and we are hoping that soon, Trish and Adam will be through. And the ending is clever.

I think I've seen this film three times now, and have enjoyed it every time. It's not over-burdened with rom-com tropes, though there are a few. The basic premise--the initial meet-cute, makes this different from the start. Emily Rose and Barry Watson carry this one and make it very enjoyable. I'm recommending this one.
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