Dead Hand: Last Day of War (2016)
Season 1, Episode 2
Sadly, one could easily imagine this happening....
25 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
"Last Day of War" and its prequel "Fortress" are masterpieces of CGI animation and tell the story of the final days of mankind, this demise brought about by a colossal war. 10 years since it started, the war has evolved to a stage where only the automatic systems are left to fight on. In "Fortress" we see a bomber (the last?) automatically loaded up and sent out on yet another mission to bomb an enemy city. The pilot has long since died, his skeletal remains still seated at the controls. All the automatic systems still work on without human intervention.

"Last Day of War" is 10 years further on. The same bomber staggers into the air, most of its systems dead or compromised. The airbase control system even has to sacrifice the base's strategic control system so that there is enough power so the plane can get out of its damaged hangar. The bomber flies out to the enemy city again, but this time its systems fail and it falls out of the sky. The war is over. Humanity is dead, but nature is already reclaiming her realm.

While bleak, and with an almost intolerably sad musical backing, this pair of films are amazing and warn the viewer of what could happen if warfare is ever handed over to autonomous systems. The quality of the imagery throughout is outstanding!
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