25 April 2024
I'm always looking forward to seeing anything that Mike Flanagan creates. I really enjoyed this show. I'd definitely say it's in my top five!

The story was very interesting and I loved that it's been told to us with flashbacks to the past, which is funny cause usually I'm not a huge fan of flashbacks but the way it was set up with Roderick and Dupin talking was extremely good so the back and forward weren't annoying at all.

I thought the characters were very colorful and interesting and the acting was very very good! I was especially impressed with Carla Gugino (Verna), Bruce Greenwood (Roderick), Willa Fitzgerald (young Madeline), Michael Trucco (Rufus Griswold) and Kyliegh Curran (Lenore) but everybody else was also very good.

I think it's not a typical horror show (which is a good thing) so don't try to compare it to Hill House or other MF productions. It's a good show so judge it on its own. For me it was the mystery of the story and the great acting that I really enjoyed. I also have to commend them for the ending. Everything was wrapped up in the end and there were no loose ends and unanswered questions left.

One more thing that was extremely important to me as an animal lover was to see the No Animals Were Harmed end-credit. I was looking for it since there are some gruesome animal scenes in this show (some are clearly CGI but others may not be so it was really great to see the American Humane logo at the end credits). Thumbs up to the production for this!!

If you've seen Mike Flanagan work before and you liked it I'd definitely recommend giving this one a chance. You won't be disappointed.
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