Resurrection (1999)
Resurrection" is a fun and engaging killer thriller set in 1990s Chicago
23 April 2024
Resurrection" is a fun and engaging killer thriller set in 1990s Chicago, featuring Christopher Lambert as the lead detective on the trail of a brutal serial killer. The film's plot centers around a string of gruesome murders with religious themes, as the killer tries to recreate the body of Christ through dismembered body parts.

What stands out in "Resurrection" is its willingness to delve into graphic and violent content, showcasing a high level of gore and disturbing imagery that might not be for the faint of heart. However, for fans of the genre, this bold approach may be part of the film's appeal.

The supporting cast does a commendable job, and Lambert's performance adds depth to the narrative. The film maintains a gritty atmosphere, capturing the darker side of Chicago in the 1990s, which complements the unsettling tone of the story.

Despite being somewhat predictable in its plot points, the movie's fast-paced narrative keeps the audience engaged from start to finish. The villain is convincingly portrayed, adding an element of suspense to the film, even if their identity becomes apparent by the end.

Overall, "Resurrection" is an enjoyable hidden gem from the 1990s, offering a solid mix of suspense, violence, and engaging storytelling for those who appreciate killer thrillers.
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