A Sunday Afternoon Chick Flick . . . .
22 April 2024
Many viewers will probably call this movie a chick flick, and it would not be unfair to do so. It is also a pleasant Sunday afternoon film. Lilly, Eileen and Dolly are hoping to win a Church contest where they get a free trip to Lourdes. Another friend was going, but she sadly died before the trip. When her daughter Chrisse comes home to Ireland for the funeral, after being away for 40 years, Lilly and Eileen are shocked that she intends to go on the trip.

Long before it was revealed in the movie, it was easy to figure out why Chrissie had been gone for so long, and was estranged from her mother, Lilly and Eileen. At Lourdes, all four women deal with their pasts and with their current religious beliefs. Are miracles real? Is Lourdes real or a money-making tourist trap? Can you ever be truly forgiven for past mistakes? Can you forgive yourself? Not a bad movie, but not a particularly memorable one, either.
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