22 April 2024
TDVDS was a bit unique in that the show's plot lines were divided between Rob and Laura Petrie's domestic life in upper class New Rochelle and Rob's work life in NYC as the head writer of "The Alan Brady Show" This is by far the funnier of the two as it also is a great satire on the entertainment world, with Rob's co-writers Buddy Sorrell (Morey Amsterdam)] and Sally Rogers (Rose Marie) having to come up with comedy gold for the incredibly egotistical and obnoxious Alan Brady, played by show creator Carl Reiner. They didn't actually have the Brady character in that many episodes, but they were some of the best. Also the the insults thrown back and forth between Buddy and the shows producer Mel Cooley (Richard Deacon)...also Alan's groveling brother-in- law..are priceless.

At home, it is the presence of Mary Tyler Moore who steals every scene and every adolescent boy in the 60's dreamed of having a wife like her when they grew up. Incredibly funny and sexy, without working hard at it. As for DVD, great comedic actor although sometimes his bumbling routine gets a bit old. The only big negative to the show was Larry Mathews as their young son Richie who may have been the most annoying and whining kid in sit-com history. He was seen mostly in the first season and my guess is that Reiner decided that they really didn't need his presence-but they certainly couldn't have him die or get sent away to live with someone. Therefore Richie's absence was usually explained by him staying at a fiends house, at his grandparents or simply being in his room.
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