Well-produced and well-paced
18 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
From the outset, I get bored quickly... but this well-crafted, produced and filmed package kept my attention throughout.

Why I watched this: I'm just starting to delve into Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena after having freaky and repeated stuff happen which cannot be explained by reference to anything secular and this-worldly - and this has also provoked me to speak with relatives and friends about stuff they've seen that's weird. And now the stories come - stories that people never told because they thought (no doubt rightly) that others would write their accounts off as fabrications or hallucinations, and write them off as loop fruits.

Having watched this: none of us can attest as to the veracity of this but the message and warnings this woman conveyed are all too convincing. The film as a whole is very well put together - balancing honest critique with honest enthusiasm. I also really appreciated the part at the end where there is also an acknowledgement of the fact that Mrs Klarer was human! Her writing while allegedly having otherworldly input, also definitely had very human input - and as such her account is strongly influenced by her own very problematic views about race and hierarchy. Where those ideas emerge they should not go unchallenged - as a human species we should strive to be better and challenge any views that spread hate and division - all in favour of a world where we flourish and enjoy the fruits of this brilliant planet gifted in part to us.
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