Review of Rollover

Rollover (1981)
One of the worst movies I've even seen
17 April 2024
It's a high-finance secret-cabal conspiracy drama set mainly in New York City around 1980. It tries to combine two stories into one drama but fails miserably because of a fatally flawed script, which is surprising given some of Alan J. Pakula's other outstanding work.

Borough National Bank is in financial trouble, and requests help. The massive First New York Bank, chaired by Maxell Emery (Hume Cronyn), sends its fixit guy, Hubbell Smith (Kris Kristofferson), to look after the currency issues impacting the bank's health. Meanwhile, Charles Winters (Garrison Lane), the head of a big chemical company looking for financing, is murdered. His wife, Lee Winters (Jane Fonda), is a former film star who has become the company's head.

In 1980, the OPEC oil countries control much of the world's financial assets. Someone is fiddling with the American dollar. Hubbell and Lee get involved with each other and sort out the conspiracy--if they can trust each other.

"Rollover" is convoluted and does not adequately explain the conspiracy it's trying to sell to the audience. The actors seem unconvinced, except for Hume Cronyn. Kristofferson is miscast, and Fonda and Kristofferson have no chemistry, but the script doesn't help. This movie is one of the worst I've ever seen. I watched it because I like Jane Fonda and Hume Cronyn.
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