Crocodile (2000 Video)
They should call it "A Load of Crock" instead
15 April 2024
I rented this way back in the day when Blockbuster was still around. I'm surprised this was made by Tobe Hooper, who gave us "Poltergeist" in 1982 and "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" remake in 2003, both of which were better movies. He could have done better.

Anyway, a group of eight college students and their dog take a boat trip for spring break in a remote swamp in Southern California. Their all-typical late teenagers or twenty somethings in a B-movie: self-absorbed, and obnoxious party animals with barely double-digit IQs. There, they discover a nest of huge eggs, most of them already smashed the previous night by a couple of nasty redneck fishermen, and steal the last one remaining. Little do they know, the eggs belong to an enormous, 100-year-old, Nile Crocodile imported from Egypt named Flat Dog. Needless to say, Flat-Dog gets pissed and she begins to stalk the gang.

Meanwhile, the crotchety old sheriff (Harrison Young) discovers the remains of some of Flat Dogs victims and recruits the help of Crocodile Dundee wannabe, Shurkin (Terrence Evans) to kill the beast.

First of all, very few of the characters are sympathetic. Brady is a two-timer, Sunny is a promiscuous drunk, Duncan is obnoxious and a bad friend to Brady etc. They rarely, if ever, mourn their fallen friends as they become Croc chow one by one.

I found myself sympathizing more with Flat-Dog. She's not a villain, she's just a wild animal trying to protect her young and probably wouldn't have gone on a rampage if her eggs were left alone, as Shurkin mentioned twice.

The acting and dialogue was dull at best or annoying and gross at worst, mainly consisting of the crotchety sheriff giving stern warnings, the partygoers drunkenly talking and laughing or bickering and screaming at each other as things go pear shaped, and the two hillbilly alligator farmers speaking in their two stereotypical southern drawls, spitting out chewing tobacco and feeding dead chickens to their gators. Ugh...

The effects were terrible, even by sci-fi original standards. The animatronic crocodile was stiff and unimpressive, and the CGI, for Flat Dog and an exploding boat, was ridiculously bad. Plus, the shots of the Clemens hotel is obviously a matte painting.

Overall, it's just another dime-a-dozen killer croc B-movie. Don't watch it unless you're really bored and enjoy bloody monster flicks full of unlikeable characters getting chomped on. If you're looking for a more decent killer crocodile film, watch "Lake Placid" or "Rogue" instead.
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