Into the Dark: Culture Shock (2019)
Season 1, Episode 10
Lost A Star for Dragging In the Middle
15 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm married to a descendant of immigrants... From Europe. Yeah Grandma and Grandpa came through Ellis Island. Nobody wanted them either.

I'm also a child of an immigrant. This is a country of immigrants, except for the natives of which Mexicans were here first. Lol!

I have no problem with immigrants. They come here to work, just like everyone before them.

A large portion is in Mexican Spanish. Anyway I have no problem with reading captions as I do all the time in English because my household is also a Deaf one.

Anyway, a lot of people in the reviews upset over some fiction. Oh and please note one reviewer - Obama shipped more illegal immigrants back to their home country than any president before him! Lol!

Anyway, this episode started off great during the first half. I felt so sorry for the kids and women and men who place themselves in danger and are taken advantage of because they are desperate and vulnerable.

The second half losses steam, while at first it was interesting and you waited for the twist. But then, it dragged and dragged and the twist wasn't really good and kinda silly, as the amount of money to do such a thing and what would be the purpose? Made little sense even with suspension of disbelief.

If only the American Dream actually existed for other than the very well-to-do and the rich!

We should take care of Americans first, some people scream and then vote against anything that actually would help Americans and all those fetuses that were born! It would be hilarious, if not so hypocritical and sad and exposed why they're so against a particular immigrant!

Anyway, towards the end as the entire premise crumbled, I just wished this to end and I lost interest.

But that misspelled tweet was hilarious!

It's just fiction people! Fiction! But not very good fiction!
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