Baby Reindeer (2024)
"I was just being polite!" Vs. Brutal Honesty
14 April 2024
Richard Gadd who plays the lead character of Donny is extremely charismatic and natural that it's impossible for any viewer to not follow his story, regardless of the theme!

I'm not sure about the ratio of dramatic effects vs. Real life depictions in this show, however it's pretty devastating to see all the horrible events that he has experienced and at the same time quite encouraging to see his success at the end of his ordeal.

Having said the above, something that this story is missing is delving a little deeper or at least providing critique for cultural nuances of why he had such a conservative attitude to sexuality that made him vulnerable? Why he was goading the stalker at times? Or even, why the stalker needed to stalk?

Looking at the social behaviours in UK from a Scandinavian perspective, it seems that British social norms are more based on saving face(fakery) than brutal honesty!

For example, it can be said that Donny was providing space for the stalker to continue stalking only on the basis that he wanted to be seen as polite!?

That is a mind boggling approach to go along with different rather life altering situations and experiences since you can't just say No! Donny's excuse with various characters who harmed him could be that he just wanted to be polite/people pleaser!?

As I see Scandinavian people tend to be direct even though seen as harsh, cold, etc., it seems that the main character's problems were more rooted in his social values(people pleasing,etc) than just another person's actions.
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