West of the Badlands
13 April 2024
An Eastern doctor (Roy Rogers) is on the run from authorities in New York. Out west he comes to the aid of friends besieged by an outlaw gang known as the border legion. In the end, he is cleared of any wrong-doing back east.

Border Legion -also called West of the Badlands - is a pleasant western based on a Zane Grey story. Roy Rogers is unusually cast as an Eastern doctor- for an Easterner he sure shoots straight - who escapes to the West from a false criminal charge - the real culprit is his girlfriend's brother and he's shielding him for her and she doesn't know this - and gets involved in the Border Legion, a gang of robbers. Roy sings some songs, acts sincerely and gets involved in some action - there's an exciting Stagecoach chasing the border Legion sequence with a killer stunt work when the Stagecoach keels over and the passengers jump off. It's not the most striking western but a relaxing time pass. Maude Eburne as Hurricane, a saloon owner who doesn't like to drink, is a standout character and has some funny lines and gives sage advice.
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